



主讲人:范津砚博士 美国奥本大学工业与组织心理学系系主任

主持人:陈丽君博士 浙江省人才发展研究院执行院长






ABSTRACT: During this talk, professor will first offer an overview of research and applications on the Big Data approach to personnel selection. In particular, he will discuss two classic empirical studies. Afterwards he will present a recent empirical study conducted at my lab. This study examines and compares criterion validity of self-reported and machine-inferred personality scores.



报告人简介:范津砚博士,华东师范大学心理学学士(1994硕士(1997年),美国俄亥俄州立大学工业与组织心理学博士(2004年),目前任美国奥本大学心理系副教授,终身教职。主要研究领域是人事选拔、新员工入职培训和社会化过程、和跨文化适应和培训。他在工业与组织心理学的专业杂志上(比如Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management)发表了多篇论文,获得美国工业与组织心理学会(SIOP)和美国管理学会(AoM)的一系列奖项和基金资助,并担任多本专业杂志的编委会成员(比如Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior)。


Speaker BioDr. Jinyan Fan earned a Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Ohio State University in 2004. Dr. Fan is currently an associate professor at the Psychology Department of Auburn University. His research interests are in the domains of personnel selection, newcomer orientation and socialization, and cross-cultural adjustment and training. His work has appeared in premier outlets such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Management. Dr. Fan has also won several awards such as the Ralph Alexander Best Dissertation Award from the HR division of AoM (2005), the Best Paper in OB/HRM/OT Award from the IM division of AoM (2012), and the Jeanneret Award for Excellence in the Study of Individual or Group Assessment from SIOP (2013). He has received three small grants from SIOP (2007, 2015, & 2018). Dr. Fan serves on several editorial boards such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and International Journal of Stress Management